Here's a really fun way to spend a Saturday with fellow diehard art lovers:
Laguna Art Museum's Contemporary Collectors Council takes field trips to places you might not get to on your own -- including exclusive peeks at private collections and talks with artists.
The next CCC trip is on Saturday, June 16. The group will visit Art Center College of Design in Pasadena to see its "Architecture and Technology for Intelligent Living" series of films on futuristic housing, then tour the hillside sculpture garden there. During lunch in Pasadena (included in the price of the day's event) you can chat with the colorful individuals in the group... and then there's a visit to the restored home of Nelbert Chouinard, founder of The Chouinard School of Art. The CCC will tour the home of artist David Tourje and visit with other artists involved in the Chouinard Foundation.
You get extra credit for reducing your carbon footprint because you take a luxury bus instead of driving. (Embrace it! Another upside of mass transit is that you get to drink wine on the way home!) Before you know it, you're back in Laguna by 5:30, having digested a LOT of culture and learned something new about art, all in a single day. Wanna go, or find out about future trips? Get in touch with Johanna Felder at 949-497-4525.