I'll take the polish, please.
This Saturday the Marines are reprising their Car Wash Saturday. After you've dropped off your e-waste a the LBUSD parking lot, go get the car washed and help out military families.
Here are details from Sita Helms, the "helmswoman" of the project locally:
Marines Car Wash Rain Date OCT 13TH 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post #9934, Dana Point, is sponsoring a car wash for our United States Marines of the 5th Marine Regiment, Headquarters Company from Camp Pendleton. Marines will wash and dry your car to a "Spit and Polish Shine." Donations accepted.
In November, these troops will attend their annual Marine Corps Birthday Ball, prior to deploying to Iraq for a 12-month tour. We hope to defray most if not all of the costs they will incur, through this car wash event. Come by to shake a hand, say a "thank you" and be a part of this event.
Where: South Shores Church Parking Lot
Address: 32712 Crown Valley Parkway, Monarch Beach
(Just up from PCH & Crown Valley)
When: Saturday, October 13, 2007
Time: 9AM-2PM
If you are unable to attend and wish to make a contribution, you may make your checks payable to "Headquarters Company Ball Fund" and send them to:
Headquarters Company Ball Fund
ATTN: 1st Sgt. Pritchard
5th Marine Regiment
Headquarters Company
Box 555453 Bldg 62448
Camp Pendleton CA 92055