Sunday, March 16, 2008

Pick It Up: April 5, May 3, et cetera

Mark your calendar! Come out on the first Saturday mornings of each month and be part of the real Laguna Beach by helping to keep it clean. Chip McDermott has created a monthly event with his Zero Trash Laguna: bright and early each first Saturday, caring folks come out and pick up the flotsam and jetsam of the increasingly urban atmosphere we live in. Then we weigh it and, just for grins, count the number of recyclables collected. Last pickup on March 1 before the Patriots' Day Parade ZTL collected 148 lbs. of trash and 78 recyclables. That's crap that mostly would have ended up in the ocean. Thanks, Chip. It's actually a fun early-rising thing to do with your sweetie, your kids or your doggie-buddy. Adopt a street and help make Laguna more lovely!