Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Evonne's Brainwave: Boutique Benefit May 12

My friend Evonne had a brainwave last holiday season.

While most of us were downing See's candy by the boxful and knocking back glögg, Evonne was helping feed homeless people down at the Presbyterian Church. This led to her sorting and organizing clothing donations at the Laguna Resource Center (a.k.a. the Laguna Relief and Resource Coalition www.lagunarelief.org).

And now she's gone and done it -- she's spending her days and nights prepping for the first-ever BOUTIQUE BENEFIT on Saturday, May 12 from 8:30 to 3 p.m. at the Presbyterian Church.

Many of Laguna's best boutiques have donated brand-new items to the sale, and through word-of-mouth appeals, dozens of spring cleanings in local households have turned up hundreds more gently-used donated items. The sale of these items -- clothes, accessories, shoes, handbags, jewelry, small decoratives -- will raise funds for the Laguna Resource Center.

Evonne is running out of space to store all the goodies, so if you have some room she can borrow for a few weeks, please get in touch with her at 949-661-1236.

Thanks for your fine example, Evonne! My closet is emptier (at the moment) for it, and your place in heaven is assured.

1 comment:

marion said...

What a great idea! Thanks for doing this.

Tonight at 7pm at the Woman's Club there will be a group discussion about future directions that the Club can take to best serve the women of Laguna Beach. Everyone is welcome. Please come and give us your input.