Wednesday, May 30, 2007

How to post on THE LAGUNAN

Come on in! The blog is all warmed up and ready for you! If you have an item you'd like to submit for consideration here on THE LAGUNAN, just send it as an e-mail to

What are you involved in that you'd like your neighbors to know about? Got an idea for how to help the environment, make life as a parent, citizen, friend, neighbor better? Write it up and send it! It doesn't need to be perfect -- I can fix it up if you send it, but do try to write as if you're writing to a friend; make it first-person and include your first name and any contact info necessary for people to respond to your post, if appropriate. Photos welcome, the more unique the better. No dull boring yawnfest-inducing press releases, no promoting your undoubtedly wonderful business unless there's a charitable angle, and please no snarking. Just stuff that makes Laguna and its people a more interesting, community-spirited, heart-centered place to live.

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