Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Pigsty on Park Avenue

Rumor has it that the quad at the high school is a big, trash-strewn mess every day after lunchtime. Then the gulls swoop in, and the janitorial staff is left to deal with the aftermath. If this is true, what's gone wrong? Seems the administration needs to get this situation in hand and make sure students clean up after themselves, rather than furthering the undesirable (and probably mostly untrue) reputation as entitled brats who let the help pick up after them.

Trash at LBHS affects us all. From a physical standpoint, it all rolls down the hill; a mess at the high school means trash on Park Avenue, and garbage in the ocean. And as a society, if people on the verge of adulthood can't be bothered to put their lunch trash in a nearby receptacle, this can't bode well for any long-lasting environmental movement. Aren't there students at LBHS who care about this issue? Is there no idealism? Or.....even basic good manners? Can anyone set me straight on this? I welcome your comments.

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