Monday, October 22, 2007

Womenade: Helping Christofer

Here is an easy way to ease the way of another person going through a tough time:

Womenade is a group celebrating its 5th year of quarterly dinners. Each dinner honors an individual or family in vital need. Each woman who attends brings a small potluck dish to share (enough for 4, either savory or dessert) and a check for what would have been spent on a dinner out with friends…or as much as you are inspired to contribute. 100% of all the money raised goes directly into the hands of the person or family we are honoring that night.

The next Womenade dinner is set for Tuesday, November 6th from 7 to 9 p.m.

Womenade founders Jane Andersen and Stephanie Donavan were contacted by several Laguna Beach friends who told them about a local 3-year-old boy named Christofer. Here's what Jane wrote:

"We were really touched by the urgency and the need that they described. Some of you might already know about Christofer, the son of Anna and Eddie Krajec. Anna is a teacher at Anneliese’s schools in Laguna Beach. Christofer was recently diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. Because Western medicine cannot help Christofer at this point (4 neurologists have given Christofer a 1% survival chance using radiation and chemotherapy), Anna and Eddy are looking to non-traditional treatment methods. As you are most likely aware such methods are not covered by insurance companies.

"At this point, Anna and Eddie have already been forced to use their savings for each of the specialists for Christofer. They have seen neurologists, craniologists, osteopaths, chiropractors, as well as natural pathologists and acupuncturists. Their insurance has covered some and sometimes none of the above specialists. Also, the family needs to do 3 more MRIs in the next 2 months and their insurance covers only a portion of the MRIs.

"Our goal at the next dinner is raise at least $3,500.00 to help them cover the costs of the alternative specialists that they are turning to and to help them with the costs of the remaining MRIs.

"We hope you can attend the dinner and help us raise money for Christofer and his family. If you can’t come, please consider sending a check. Please write your check to Christofer’s Miracle Fund."

Womenade Potluck Dinner
Tuesday, November 6th, from 7:00 to 9:00
435 El Camino del Mar (Stephanie’s house)
Please RSVP to Jane at 464-0022
or Stephanie at 497-9214

Jane added:
"Please bring any and all friends who would like to attend. The more people who contribute, the more we’ll be able to help this family. We look forward to seeing you on the 6th!"

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